Daily Archives: December 28, 2014
Ramping up on the 20,000 at LTSD
At yesterday’s class, Mister Krantz introduced Sean’s 20,000 Challenge to the class and dedicated most of the class to kicking it off… *rimshot*
All told we practiced a total of about 3,300 kicks in about a half-hour. Not as bad I as I expected but I’m feeling it this morning! For this particular session, we worked 5 basic kicks doing 30 of each with each leg: Front, Side, Roundhouse, Axe, and Inside-Outside. (Front, Side, and roundhouse were further split in half from the front leg and half from the back leg.)
Most of the rest of class was devoted to advanced hyung but I did get in some more work on Chil Sung E Lo.
The Fitness Logger add-on appears to be working properly and I’m taking the liberty of including this class towards the 20,000.
Exercise on this day: Ahneso Phakuro Cha Gi: 30 Kicks (L&R) · Ahp Cha Gi: 30 Kicks (L&R) · Ceik Cha Gi: 30 Kicks (L&R) · Hyung: Chil Sung E Lo · Tollyo Cha Gi: 30 Kicks (L&R) · Yup Cha Gi: 30 Kicks (L&R)