Category Archives: Rants

Thoughts on Super Bowl XLIX

Yes, I know it makes me a bad American but I’m just not a football guy.  As a Connecticut resident I’m expected to be a Pats fan.  Okay.  Go, Pats!

The truth of it is that my only interest in the Super Bowl is the party I’m missing with my old fire department shift-mates due to the impending winter storm moving in sometime tonight.  I’m just not as cavalier about driving home in bad weather as I once was.   Even the commercials don’t hold the attraction that they once did now that they can all be watched on YouTube without needing to watch a bunch of overpaid business men spend four hours to play a one hour game to do it…

The game’s on the TV but I’ll probably use the time to catch up on my blog and to figure out what I’m going to do working from home tomorrow.  I know, “Bah, humbug”.

Not the Best Way to Start the Day (Or the Year)

Today started out normally enough.  Coffee, shower, shave, dress for work, more coffee to go.  Things didn’t start to go downhill until the colorful red and blue lights lit up behind me on the way to work. First off, kudos to the trooper for being a consummate professional and making an unpleasant situation as palatable as possible.  Turns out he’s from my home town. Go figure. Continue reading Not the Best Way to Start the Day (Or the Year)

Exercise on this day: Ahneso Phakuro Cha Gi: 32 Kicks (L&R) · Ahp Cha Gi: 32 Kicks (L&R) · Crunches: 14 · Leg-raises: 14 · Push-ups: 14 · Squats: 14 · Tollyo Cha Gi: 32 Kicks (L&R) · Yup Cha Gi: 32 Kicks (L&R)